Labour Hire Trends Global Pandemic - HLH Group Sydney

Labour Hire Trends During A Global Pandemic

Labour Hire Trends in a Pandemic

As the world continues to battle with this global pandemic it is having a huge impact on every industry, including the construction industry. Although construction did not ever come to a stop, at HLH Group we have noticed several significant changes and trends in how our labour hire services are being used now in comparison to how they were being used prior to the pandemic.

New Labour Hire Trends

New Labour Hire Trends - HLH Group SydneySome of the trends we have witnessed during the pandemic include:

  • Construction companies who have unfortunately had to reduce overheads and let workers go during the pandemic are now using our services to fill these gaps when required. Labour hire is used as opposed to rehiring those positions with the potential risk of having to let that worker go again if the workload drops off again.
  • Construction companies who we had been speaking to regarding the value of using our services have generally been much more receptive than usual. We have noticed that construction company owners are interested to hear how our services will benefit their company and have also shown an interest in how we have been dealing with things during the pandemic.
  • Resourcing skilled workers has become more and more difficult as time has gone on due to Australian border closures. Aside from the skilled Australian workers that we employ, HLH Group also would typically benefit from overseas workers arriving in Sydney around this time of year, however, due to the border closures we are not seeing this influx this year. Our recruiters have had to focus more strongly on resourcing than ever before to ensure we maintain the quality.
  • HLH Group had a record number of new clients during the month of August. However, a number of these companies were transparent when engaging our services and said that they only plan on using our services from time to time as a backup, rather than for workers daily. Companies are understandably being a bit more cautious than usual due to the uncertainty.

Main Reasons Why Companies Are Using More Labour Hire

In summary and in general, HLH Group has noticed a significant increase in existing clients/companies and potential clients/companies recognising the value our labour hire service can offer their business. We believe that the 2 defining points surrounding what value we believe our service offers a client/company we supply to include:

1. Saving Time

  • Saving time with advertising for roles.
  • Saving time trawling through job applicants.
  • Saving time interviewing applicants.
  • Saving time and stress having to allocate full-time employees consistently. During quiet periods HLH can keep these workers busy elsewhere with no problems or risks of losing them forever.

2. Saving Money

  • Saving money on recruitment costs.
  • Saving money by guaranteeing quality tried and tested skilled workers who we know will complete the job efficiently. Rather than using a cut priced, unskilled, and untested labourer who may not even show up in the first place.
  • Saving money by supplying workers who are fully insured. Although there are cheaper options out there, if something did ever go wrong, paying that little bit extra for a fully insured worker ensures peace of mind and can save a lot of money in the long run.

Labour Hire - Global Pandemic - HLH Group Sydney

Labour Hire During A Pandemic

Whether you are a skilled labourer looking for work, or a company looking for assistance with the temporary or permanent recruitment of workers, if you would like some further information regarding our services then please don’t hesitate to contact the HLH Group team on 02 8985 2019, email us at or contact us online.

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