Labour Hire, Labourers and The Law - Employment Rights Construction Industry Sydney

Labour Hire, Labourers & The Law – Your Employee Entitlements

Laws for Labour Hire Industry

The labour hire industry is a very competitive one and as such some companies seek to gain a competitive advantage using a variety of methods. Some companies choose to cut corners to be cheaper or to make a quick buck without ever giving any consideration to the welfare of their employees. At Hunter Labour Hire we are proud to say that not only do we genuinely care about all of our employees, we also pay all our employees in accordance with the Building and Construction General Onsite Award 2010 when applicable.

As an employee working in the construction industry you should know your basic entitlements so check out our guide to help you understand the Building and Construction Industry Award and what this means for you!

Minimum Wage for Construction Industry

All workers in the construction industry are entitled to a minimum wage, as a casual worker, full time or a shift worker. As of the 1st of July 2018, the minimum pay rate for a casual labourer employed under the Building and Construction Award is $26.14 per hour. Check out what wages you should be paid using the P.A.C.T Pay Calculator if there are any discrepancies maybe you should let your employer know.

Travel Allowance for Construction Industry Workers in Sydney

When working in the construction industry all workers are entitled to a minimum of $17.43 per day to cover their daily fares and travel expenses. If you are traveling to work from more than 50km from the Sydney GPO then the time outside ordinary working hours reasonably spent on such travel will be paid at normal hourly rate and calculated to the next quarter of an hour with a minimum payment of half an hour per day for each return journey.

Travel Allowance for Construction Inudstry Sydney

Withholding Tax

Your employer should be withholding tax on your behalf and paying this to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). The relevant amount depends on your residency status, total income earned and other factors. For more information on how much tax the employer should withhold check the ATO’s website here.


If you have earned more than $450 with any specific employer, then you are legally entitled to an employer’s super contribution of 9.5% on all wages earned.

Penalty Rates in Sydney Construction Industry - Hunter Labour Hire

Penalty Rates in Construction Industry

If you work overtime, you are entitled to penalty rates.

Time and a half rate is applicable:

  • OT – Monday to Friday – first 2 hours
  • OT – Saturday before 12 noon – first 2 hours
  • Night shift – Monday to Friday – starts at or after 3pm and before 11pm

Double time rate is applicable:

  • All day Sunday
  • OT – Monday to Friday – after 2 hours
  • OT- Saturday before 12 noon – after 2 hours
  • OT – Saturday – after 12noon

These rates will be calculated based on your ordinary time rate.

Payslips for Employees in Australia

Every employee in Australia is entitled to a payslip which shows details of pay for hours worked previously. All payslips must be issued within one working day of payment. It can be submitted electronically or as a hard paper copy.

Fair Work Awards

Awards are legal documents that outline the minimum pay rates and conditions of employment. In total there are 122 industry or occupation awards that cover most people who work in Australia. While the majority of HLH workers are paid in line with the Building and Construction Award we also have employees working under the following: Electrical, Electronic and Communications Contracting Award 2010 (MA000025), Gardening and Landscaping Services Award 2010 (MA000101), Joinery and Building Trades Award 2010 (MA000029), Manufacturing and Associated Industries and Occupations Award 2010 (MA000010), Rail Industry Award 2010 (MA000015) and the Clerks Private Sector Award 2010 (MA00002).

A Labour Hire Agency That Cares

If you are looking for a labour hire agency that genuinely cares about its staff and is socially responsible then give Hunter Labour Hire a call on 02 8985 2019 or fill in our online contact form for Client / Candidates to arrange an immediate call back.

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