Hunter Labour Hire on Instagram - Insta Labour HIre

InstaLabourHire! – Hunter Labour Hire on Instagram

Last month we launched our Instagram page @hunterlabourhire. Following the success of our Facebook page which now has almost 2,500 likes since its launch we couldn’t wait to branch out and launch on another social media platform!

In recent years Instagram has shot up in popularity with users. Facebook still sits top of the tree closely followed by YouTube, but Instagram now sits third with a staggering 700 million active monthly users and this was something we wanted to become a part of! So why have Hunter Labour Hire decided to launch on Instagram, and what sort of activity can you expect to see on our page!

Why Hunter Labour Hire are on Instagram

  • A lot of our clients have Instagram pages and are constantly uploading photos of their current projects. Being on Instagram enables us to keep up to date with our client’s active construction projects in Sydney. On the rare occasion that the Hunter Labour Hire account managers haven’t been able to visit a site where we have lads based, often there are photos of the project on the client’s Instagram page which helps the team put a visual reference to the site address.
  • Most of our candidates have personal Instagram accounts and like to keep up to date with what Hunter Labour Hire are up to both in the office and out on site.
  • We are constantly being sent in pictures of the lads in action on site. Although Facebook is great for our job ads and for some of the images we get sent in, now that we have our Instagram page we can share every one of these pictures with our followers so that none of the great photos we get sent go to waste.
  • After doing some research into social media platforms it is amazing to discover that Instagram users have been found to be the most engaged users of all social media platforms. Although our Facebook page is a huge success and we will continue to utilise this page daily, it is brilliant to now have another platform to share what’s going on at Hunter Labour Hire with everyone.

HLH Intstagram – More Than Just Photos!

SO, what sort of activity can you expect to see form the Hunter Labour Hire Instagram page? Well, it’ll contain all of the below and more:

  • Photos of our labourers and tradesmen in action on site.
  • Photos of the office team in the office and out on-site visits.
  • Links to and photos from our latest blogs.
  • Photos of our client’s projects that we have assisted them with.
  • Information about competitions we are running with the team and photos of the winners of these competitions.
  • Job vacancy posts.

You can find our page on Instagram @hunterlabourhire. Follow us now and stay in touch with what Hunter Labour hire are up to on a weekly basis!

Labour Hire Jobs Available

At Hunter Labour Hire we are always looking for the best in labour hire talent and so if you like the sound of the above and are eager to work in the Sydney labour hire industry then we want to hear from you! Give our team a call now on +61 2 8985 2019 or register online to work with us and we’ll get back to you asap!

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