A Day in the Life of a Renderer - Hunter Labour Hire Sydney

A Day In The Life Of A Renderer

Working As A Renderer

Duties of any tradesperson or general labourer on a construction site change from week to week, day to day and hour to hour. Working onsite with other trades and contractors means our tradies and labourers must be adaptable, efficient, thorough and respectful to carry out their job to the best of their ability without effecting others onsite. From receiving materials, installing fixings, running cables or carrying out permit work, each task must be carefully planned and fit in with the schedule of the rest of the works. To give people a better understanding of the range of trades that we provide we are starting a series of blogs based on a day in their work lives.

Starting off with this blog we look at what is involved in the day to day tasks of one of our renderers, Ray Jones, who gives you the downlow on a day in the life of a renderer, read on!

Becoming A Renderer

I left school at 16 in the UK and started working alongside my dad, completing a 3-year apprenticeship in plastering and rendering. I had grown up around building sites and had been assisting with plastering and rendering jobs from the age of 11 and by the time I left school I could already mix up materials, put on walls, straight edge and sponge finish.

Working As A Renderer in Sydney

How Long Have You Been With HLH?

I have been working for HLH for 5 months since finishing my regional work and returning to Sydney. Within 3 days of registering with HLH I was onsite working as a renderer on a renovation in Annandale. Since then I have been kept in consistent work working with some good companies working 5 days a week and sometimes Saturday.

Favourite Job As A Renderer?

The best job I have been placed on since starting with HLH has been a renovation of a Victorian style property in Darlinghurst. This involved repairing the internal and external walls and ceilings and replacing external window ledges with modern finish. Its also required me to return later to render retaining walls in the garden and repair any damage to the walls that had happened throughout the rest of the renovation. Returning to the job it was rewarding to see how the rest of the renovation was going and how the project was taking shape.

Average Day As A Renderer?

My average day will involve getting to a property and preparing the building to be rendered. This means taping up and covering any windows or doors, sheeting any flooring or tiles to protect them materials. Then I bead windows, doors and any external corner ensuring beads are put on straight using a long level. Once beads have been put on we fill out the and straight edge any areas that must be built out. The next step is to skim the entire house that involves working as a team as some people apply and some people float each level. The following day the house is textured.

Best Part About Rendering Work - Hunter Labour Hire Sydney

Best Part About Working As Renderer?

The best part about my job is that it keeps me fit and constantly active. No job is the same, so I am constantly having to assess each job prior to starting.

Worst Part About Working As Renderer?

The worst part about my job is getting covered in materials and passing buckets of materials up 3 flights of scaffold.

Renderers for Hire in Sydney

Should you require any renderers or tradespeople for your upcoming construction projects please get in contact today on 02-89852019, email info@hunterlabourhire.com.au or contact us online for an up to date schedule of our rates.

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