27 Nov Climate Change and the Construction Industry
Climate Change in the Construction Industry
Climate change – it’s a very topical subject at the minute and if scientists’ studies are to be believed its impacts will begin to take hold of our climate and daily lives increasingly throughout the following decades. Everyone is affected by climate change – whether you live in the Outback or in the City. A warmer climate will change the way we live and ultimately the way we build our buildings and infrastructure. In this post we’ll have a look at climate change and the construction industry and what can be done to help reduce carbon output within construction.
Reducing The Effects of Climate Change in the Construction Industry
There are a number of measures businesses and companies within the construction industry can take to try reduce the impact on climate change from the construction industry.
Reduce Buildings Carbon Footprint – Many companies are implementing steps to reduce their own (and the buildings they construct) carbon footprint to minimise the impact of global warming. Frasers Property are the owners of Australia’s first carbon neutral property located in Rhodes. It uses a combination of energy efficiency measures, a solar energy system and an investment in forest conversation and biomass projects abroad helped to further reduce the carbon footprint of the building.
Using Green Building Materials – Builders are now using “green building’ materials in place of traditional construction materials which produce a lot of carbon and other greenhouse gases in their production. Recycled plastic, wood, and even bricks made from Mycellium (a type of fungus) are examples of green materials used in some projects.
Creating Urban Green Space – Companies such as Junglefy are leading the way in Australia to create urban greenery or living infrastructure throughout cities. By planting throughout the urban environments.
Future Proofing Buildings and Infrastructures – As our climate warms, we will experience stronger storms, higher sea levels and longer more intense droughts. This means that we will need to ensure that the projects we create have plans for future conditions. If we continue to act the way we do then many buildings may become redundant.
Our Green Efforts at Hunter Labour Hire
In July 2019 we introduced a single use plastic ban to our office in Bondi Junction. This meant that we put an end to plastic cutlery, throwaway coffee cups, and more. We have three recycling bins in use to ensure we do our part to reduce what we send to landfills also minimising our wastage. The caffeine addicts in our office use re-usable cups for their daily coffee runs. All electronic devices are turned off before the last person leaves the office to ensure we minimise our energy consumption and carbon footprint!
Is your business upping their game in the fight against climate change? We would love to hear from you – we are always open to learning from others!
Looking for Sustainable Labour Hire?
Looking to engage a sustainable labour hire company that truly cares about the environment? Call the HLH team on 02 8985 2019, fill in our online contact form here or email info@hunterlabourhire.com.au
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