Construction Tickets & Licences Sydney- A Deep Dive - Hunter Labour Hire

Construction Tickets & Licences Sydney: A Deep Dive

Construction Tickets & Licences Sydney

“What other tickets/licences would it be worth me getting other than my white card?” is a question we hear daily here at Hunter Labour Hire. There’s obviously no right or wrong answer to this question because each additional ticket/license serves a different purpose and opens up different opportunities for you. However, there are certain construction tickets and licenses that we are constantly being asked for by our clients. See below a breakdown of the most popular requests for ticketed and skilled labour and what they cover.

Working Safely at Heights Ticket

Most Needed Construction Tickets & Licences Sydney - Hunter Labour HireThis is probably the ticket we get requested the most often. Predominantly requested by our clients who work on/around roofs, maintenance companies, window installation companies and façade installation companies. Obtaining the ticket couldn’t be easier, it typically takes 6-8hrs and equips the person with all the necessary skills and knowledge relating to working at height where the risk of falling is possible. It also allows the ticket holder to ride as a passenger in scissor lifts and boom lifts.

Elevated Work Platform (EWP), Scissor Lift (SL) & Boom Lift Under 11m (BL)

Scissor lift and boom lift operators are typically requested by the same companies who request guys with the working at heights ticket. Also, very popular with electrical contractors when installing lighting etc in high/hard to reach places. Both modules are a 1-day long course which fall under the EWP license. Other options include vertical lift (VL), trailer mounted boom (TL) and truck mounted boom (TM), however, these aren’t requested by our clients as often as the other two.

High Risk Licence for Boom Lift Over 11m (WP)

This covers the operation of telescoping devices, hinged devices, or articulated devices (or any combination of these) used to support a platform on which personnel, equipment and materials may be elevated to perform work and where the boom length is 11 metres or more. Often when our clients request a boom lift operator, they require them to be able to operate a machine over the height of 11m. Therefore, we would highly recommend that people considering becoming a boom lift operator bite the bullet and do this 3-day course rather than the under EWP BL under 11m course ad check here for more info on high risk work licences.

High Risk Licence for Forklift (LF) & (LO)

This ticket is very popular with a lot of our warehouse-based clients. However, it is often also requested by come construction sites too where the ceiling heights etc can restrict access for large machines such as telehandlers. There are two types of forklift ticket, an order picking forklift truck (LO) where the control elevates with the load and a forklift with a mast and an elevating load carriage with a pair of fork arms (LF). Based on the requests we most commonly receive, we would recommend guys putting themselves through the LF ticket. Unlike some of the other tickets and licenses, some prior operating experience is advantageous.

High Risk Licence for Slewing Mobile Cranes (C2, C6, C1, C0)

Although there are 12 different types of crane ticket you can obtain, we generally find that the most commonly requested tickets are for slewing mobile cranes. A slewing mobile crane means a mobile crane incorporating a boom jib that is capable of being slewed. There are four classes of slewing mobile cranes each with a different capacity:

  • up to 20 tonnes (C2) – incorporating CN & CV classes
  • up to 60 tonnes (C6) – incorporating C2, CN & CV classes
  • up to 100 tonnes (C1) – incorporating C6, C2, CN & CV classes
  • over 100 tonnes capacity (C0) – incorporating C1, C6, C2, CN & CV classes
The added benefit of these tickets is that they also supersede the Telehandler Gold card which only cover telehandlers up to 3 tonnes. We would highly recommend that guys considering becoming a telehandler operator explore the option of doing one of the above tickets/licences instead.

How to Hire A Skilled Construction Worker With A NSW Ticket/Licence

We have a huge database of skilled construction workers with a variety of construction tickets & licenses available now! Often our workers have a combination of different construction tickets & licences and our recruitment consultants are used to filling such positions. We’re not only limited to the tickets listed in this article, so if you do have any requirements then please don’t hesitate to call our office on 02 8985 2019 and lock in your labour hire now.

Labour Hire Jobs Available

At Hunter Labour Hire we are always looking for the best in labour hire talent and so if you like the sound of the above and are eager to work in the Sydney labour hire industry then we want to hear from you! Give our team a call now on +61 2 8985 2019 or register online to work with us and we’ll get back to you asap!

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